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Definition of cueilloir ​​​ nom masculin

Instrument consistant en un long bâton armé de cisailles et une petite corbeille pour couper et recueillir les fruits des hautes branches.
Panier de cueillette.


Sentences with the word cueilloir

Et, à partir de ces censiers, des cueilloirs sont élaborés.Revue historique, 2020, Laurent Feller (
These examples come from external partner sites. They are selected automatically and are not reviewed by Le Robert teams. Find out more.

Dictionnaire universel de Furetière (1690)

Historical definition of CUEILLOIR s. m.

Panier où on met les menus fruits qu'on cueille. Un cueilloir de cerises, de prunes, de groseilles, &c.
These 17th-century definitions show the evolution of French language and spelling over the centuries and must be placed in the historical and social context in which they were written. They do not reflect the opinion of Le Robert or anyone who works there. Find out more.