Synonyms of ruban
in the sense of bolduc
in the sense of galon
Definition of ruban nom masculin
The word ruban also appears in the following definitions
bobine, bolduc, bouffette, bourdalou, brassard, bretelle, canon, catogan, centimètre, chatterton, choucroute, cocarde, copeau, cordon, défeutrer, élastique, enrubanner, extrafort, faveur, fettucine, galon, ganse, gros-grain, laminaire, lasagne, liserage, liseré, magnétophone, mètre, nœud, papardelle, penon, rhingrave, rosette, rubalise, rubané, rubanerie, rubanier, scotch, scotcher, signet, starting-gate, talonnette, thermocollant, tortil, tresse, trou-trou, velcro
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